Wednesday, November 03, 2010

An Angry Rant: I got 4 hours sleep so here is my Stream of Conscious. THANK GOD Harry Reid won and he won soundly!!!

I woke up to THIS good news. I KNEW the House would go but that crud Angle if she won I was going to take the first flight to China and STAY there and watch manufacturing soar because the Chinese are the wave of the future and that country KNOWS how to run things ... except pollution but they will get that right too. This country is FILLED with those who do not know their posterior from the elbow. So the party of the big business rancidness is the one to try to push forward our economy?? I DON'T THINK so..the others who follow that pied piper swill MANY are ALSO racist and they just couldn't stand to see a black man in office. Well I got news for them, this country is demographically ultimately going brown and I a white woman cannot WAIT to see it. That will be the best thing that ever happened to this sad nation as that part of this nation with their bigotry takes it down to the toilet!!

The only way to get jobs is for government to spend to get them and put a TAX on those swine who are 2% richest and own 70% of the wealth JUST like Krugman said but this country is too ideologically DUMB to realize it! The ones, the Republicans, who took us to the economic free fall dance are the ones who are going to cure the country's economic ills??.... I THINK NOT! At LEAST my wonderful state Massachusetts stayed BLUE and for that I am thankful. Take THAT you tea bag morons!

The Senate and the presidency are still in Democratic hands .... for now. Good luck with STALEMATE and a stale, mean, nasty, Ayn Rand the emotionally challenged jerk with her philosophy. I see a crystal ball of DOOM as Republicans will do what they have always the party of the top 2% who leaves us all in the dust! Good job Tea Baggers you will get what YOU deserve!

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