Friday, October 15, 2010

This is Why: I enclose an excellent article entitled "Tea Party Poised to Win Enough Races for Wide Influence" (link below) which appeared in the New York Times. It is an analysis of the midterms and makes a WONDERFUL case for WHY DEMOCRATS and DEMOCRAT LEANING INDEPENDENTS MUST GET OUT TO VOTE. While it says that Tea Party candidates are having the greatest impact on districts that ordinarily would remain Republican, the Tea Party WILL, IF ELECTED, gain an influential caucus.

Tea Party candidates are determined to undue not only the president's and Democratic agenda recently passed BUT ALSO tea baggers are determined to dismantle age old safety nets such as Social Security, Medicare and other programs begun in FDR's New Deal. Those nets have proven over time to have SAVED MILLIONS in this country from the whims of a laissez faire unregulated capitalist system which is subject to the unstable events of history and the unpredictable influences of the natural world. An unfettered, unregulated free market is UNRELIABLE to protect our country -- ALL in our country -- from the ravages of old age, illness, catastrophic climate events, educational breakdowns, infrastructure repair, economic downturns and much more. The stock market USED to be the exclusive domain of the few in the country who had the means to invest in it. Now Tea Baggers and their Republican Party minions would want to hold ALL of us hostage to the glories of this whimsical free market with its unreliable fluctuations, and sometimes all too often CRASHES and COLLAPSE so they, the few, can make BILLIONS. This Tea Bag movement is MONEY DRIVEN.

Tea Baggers, too, are for spending most especially within the military which WILL obviate other social programs. It is the little guy who is suffering most from this current all pervasive Great Recession. This recession could linger if remedial policies do not remain in place and enhanced. Our economic fledgling recovery could turn into another Great Depression. Worse it could even mean PERPETUAL UNRELENTING and UNREMITTING war ultimately EVEN, dare I say, NUCLEAR war as unregulated war profiteers stand to make trillions. Is THIS what you want for your progeny?

Tea baggers are angry yes and "tax cuts" sound oh so good but their policies are in reality about another kind of spending. Their policies are corporatist in nature, hostile, ruinous and warlike. For them to be a caucus which has overriding influence in the traditional Republican power structure is utterly CHILLING. It forces Republican moderates OUT of the party. This movement has the eventual potential to DESTROY this nation as we know it by destroying or eliminating those programs which historically have worked and will continue to save us from an uncontrollable free market RUN AMOK. The Tea Bag movement if it gains enough power will not only destroy THIS country but it COULD take the rest of the world with it by not addressing the HORRIFIC TRUTH of global warming something which an overwhelming majority of scientists world-wide agree is a man made reality. Is THIS what those of you who have children and grandchildren want for them?

Worse still is the fact that this movement is almost EXCLUSIVELY white and fanatically religious. It ignores the diversity of man and would love nothing more than to eliminate, in any way and by any means possible, minorities or the “other” as a political force.

Man does NOT stand still. He LEARNS new truths. These reactionary malcontents DUPE an unsuspecting and unknowledgeable myth-infused public like a virus that overtakes the cells of a functioning body and ultimately KILLS it. Evolutionary regression WILL kill its host. The only thing that defends man against a hostile environment is the knowledge his magnificently complex brain can understand and the skills which can be learned and created from it. KNOWLEDGE and TRUTH cannot be denied or they can to ALL of our peril.

For these and MANY other reasons the Tea Bag Party CANNOT and MUST NOT be allowed to gain so much power that would threaten the very existence of this body politic with ALL the progressive policies we have attained through the blood, sweat and tears of collective effort. The Chilean rescue of the miners is an example of the GOOD that can be achieved if we ALL work together.

If you do NOTHING else November 2, 2010 PLEASE PLEASE I urge you in the strongest possible way to VOTE and to VOTE exclusively for DEMOCRATS. Tell ALL those you know to VOTE DEMOCRATIC. MOST ESPECIALLY DO NOT FORGET BLACKS, HISPANICS, MEXICANS, BRAZILIANS and OTHER MINORITY GROUPS EVERYWHERE IN THIS COUNTRY. Organize and urge everyone to VOTE DEMOCRATIC. This election is ours to win IF we all stick together and get out the Democratic vote but it is the nation we lose if we do not!

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