Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Letter to Senators Snowe, Collins and Brown: The DADT policy is up for a vote today. It is one vote short. I wrote three separate letters to senators, Snowe, Collins and Brown in a hail Mary attempt to persuade them to vote for repeal of this heinous policy. I had written something last night which was more an ebullient piece on the glories of the Lady Gaga speech in Maine. Lady Gaga was more than extraordinary, she was the best I had ever heard for this cause. I wrote the following and amended it for each senator.

I need to rephrase what I wrote last evening to you as it was late and I was thrilled with the Lady Gaga speech. What I wrote to you was more about that than it was about what I implore you to do. I am hoping that you will vote for the REPEAL of an unconstitutional dastardly 17 year old discriminatory Don't Ask Don't Tell policy.

To say it is a horrible policy is an understatement. Being homosexual is NOT a choice. Why would anyone choose something for which one can be societally crucified.

I am asking you to vote to repeal this horrible, sad, hurtful policy against people who love this country. I have thought you a good person. I am appealing to that just side of you and not your allegiance to a party. I am hoping that you will vote to repeal this discriminatory bill and go down in history for your bravery. I hope Senator Snowe and Senator Brown will keep you company. But even if they do not YOU will be doing the morally correct, legally correct and BRAVE thing to do. Secretary Gates is against DADT, the head of the Joint Chief of Staff is against it and I am asking you to vote for the repeal of it. Thank you.

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