Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Gift: I have loved Cory Booker, the Mayor of Newark, New Jersey, since I first noticed him on the political scene campaigning for Barack Obama. Mayor Booker, in my opinion, is a WONDERFUL leader with extraordinary capabilities. I cannot think of a better person to be entrusted with Mark Zuckerberg's amazing $100 million donation to the State of New Jersey and the schools of Newark who can and I hope will benefit from it.

I believe we are nothing except the evidence that we have left behind some good. Our reputation and values will live long after we no longer exist. Mr. Zuckerberg has done a wonderful thing despite the alleged motivations SOME say lie behind it. It does not matter. In final analysis, he gave it and it should and I hope it will be utilized to the advantage of students who otherwise might be left behind in the vortex of an economic tornado which has cast many of their and our dreams to the winds.

If anyone can do this I believe Cory Booker can and very smart Mark Zuckerberg knew it. I have thought Mr. Booker presidential material IF we can ever wade through the economic swamp which has been carefully crafted for decades by liars, frauds and thieves none more expert than those who occupied the seats of power in the Bush administration. They charted the course for the ship of state which swept this nation into a war that did not need to be waged and further built an economic partnership between government and a deregulated Wall Street which did not need to exist. It has cost this nation in blood and trillions in treasure which could have been better spent for MUCH social good as well as national infrastructure repair. Moreover, Bush’s vile tax cuts for the top 2% wealthiest in the nation contributed in significant fashion to the nation’s deficit about which the Republicans simply LOVE to explode and sing their song which never ends.

Instead of sticking with a path that SEEMS to slowly be leading this country to economic recovery the nation is poised to return to Congressional power the same Uriah Heeps who created the economic disaster. This time, though, the charlatans are much worse. We are on the precipice of a socially backward, politically reactionary and intellectually bankrupt DARK AGE of unreason which are often the gifts of economic hard times. I hope, of course, I am in error but November is calling and the hope that was inspired two short years ago seems to have sadly ebbed. The McDonalds generation that has been this country for too long brings with it the expectation that a Great Recession can be turned over in the time it takes to swallow a Big Mac. The damage, which took years to construct, cannot be mended in short time but America expects differently and even will return people and a party to power that brought us to the damaging dance in the first place. It is chilling. I hope for the best but I expect the worst.

Good luck, Mayor Booker, but watch out for the grifters who may be circling the wagons bent on slicing out a chunk of this wonderful gift for themselves to the detriment of everyone else. I think Mark Zuckerberg knew exactly with whom to entrust this gift. Beware entrusting it to ANYONE else!!

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