Monday, September 30, 2019

Theater of the Absurd

It is the height of absurdity for Trump and his minions to want an investigation into what they say is the larger so called "deep state" scandal of Ukraine interference in the US 2016 election rather than Russia. Now I ask you Ukraine is a small nation compared to Russia and, moreover, is defending itself in a hot war against Russian invasion after Russia took Crimea by force. It is in Russia's prime interest to shake the accusation off of it for its interference in the 2016 US election for their electoral preference of Donald Trump and place it on a sham wholly disputed accusation that Ukraine did it. This is reductio ad absurdum.

Ukrainian interference in the US 2016 election has been roundly debunked and dismissed by Mueller himself coming to the absolute truth conclusion that Russia used its massive tentacles and technological expertise to do so. It is theater of the absurd to point an accusatory finger at Ukraine. The head of Ukraine, Zelensky, must tread carefully with Trump because Ukraine depends upon the US to protect its national security with US weapons to the tune of 250 million dollars of support that Trump had held up in order to put force on Ukraine to do his bidding and investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter. THAT is the height of a Constitutional violation which Trump took an oath to support. That is the rope Trump has used to hang himself and others loyal to him by asking in a short memo for a foreign nation to do his bidding against his main electoral opponent, Joe Biden. 

How would tiny by comparison Ukraine have the ability to perform the massive 2016 election interference the Mueller evidence of which showed Russia clearly performed? Russia not only had the motive but the ability to use their complex KGB-like intelligence and technology to commit the 2016 election interference that Mueller unequivocally said they did. Trump, as in Beckett's theater of the absurd will have to be waiting for Godot to arrive to prove his lie only to find out Godot never will appear.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Properly had

This ugly man Trump is throwing this nation under the bus taking dozens perhaps hundreds of formerly innocent people with him. Some trusted him, some even loved him and this is what this Beast gave them -- subpoenas, maybe criminal prosecutions, and the need to hire attorneys for what? For working for and not recognizing a Mafia like conman who lies all the time and cares NOTHING for anyone but himself.

Enjoy yourselves, as Sherlock Holmes once said: you've been had properly had!

Salient Points and my opinion in italics and bracketed

have tried to copy and paste what I think are the most salient parts of the Whistle Blower Complaint.  I think it easier to understand if it is written.

My opinion:  Lost in the retelling of the Whistle Blower Complaint is my opinion that the real effort of Trump is to change Ukraine back to right wing leadership that would be favorable not only to Trump but to most importantly Putin taking the onus of Russian interference in the US 2016 election, proved beyond a reasonable doubt, and placing it on so called by Trump Ukrainian corruption which is a lie and has since been disproven.  The former Ukrainian Russia friendly corrupt leadership in Ukraine is now hold up in Russia as he was removed from Ukraine.  Russia has taken part of Ukraine -- Crimea -- and Ukraine is now fighting a hot war on that border with Russia.  Ukrainians generally loathe Russian aggression. Putin's desire, of course, is to return the entire Baltic region to Russian control lost during Glasnost and the fall of the former Soviet Union.  Putin is aiming at Kiev to take all of Ukraine.  The question becomes and always has been in my opinion WHY OH WHY IS TRUMP SO DEDICATED TO ADVANCING RUSSIAN AUTHORITARIAN INTERESTS AND TURNING HIS BACK ON THE DEMOCRACIES?  Once we find this out all other dominoes to me would fall into place.   The accusation of Biden's interference has been disproven and is now a conspiratorial lie promulgated by none other than the professional liar Trump!  It helps Putin!

Phone call of July 25 and beginning of the whistle blower Complaint

initiate or continue an investigation into the activities of former Vice President Joseph Biden and his son, Hunter Biden;

assist in purportedly uncovering that allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election originated in Ukraine, with a specific request that the Ukrainian leader locate and turn over servers used by the Democratic National  Committee (DNC) and examined by the U.S. cyber security firm Crowdstrike,  which initially reported that Russian hackers had penetrated the DNC's networks in 2016; and

meet or speak with two people the President named explicitly as his personal envoys on these matters, Mr. Giuliani and Attorney General Barr, to whom the President referred multiple times in tandem.

COVER UP and FOOTNOTES:  Relegating certain information to be held as "Classified" which should not remain classified but is in order to cover up certain actions by Trump or his minions.  "I also believe that applying a classification marking to this information would violate EO 13526, Part 1, Section 1.7, which states: "In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to: (I) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error; [or] (2) prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency."

It is unclear whether such a Ukrainian investigation exists. See Footnote #7 for additional information.

"I do not know why the President associates these servers with Ukraine. (See, for example, his comments to Fox News on 20 July: "And Ukraine. Take a look at Ukraine. How come the FBI didn't take this server? Podesta told them to get out. He said, get out. So, how come the FBI didn't take the server from the DNC?")

The President also praised Ukraine's Prosecutor General, Mr. Yuriy Lutsenko, and suggested that Mr. Zelenskyy might want to keep him in his position. (Note: Starting in March 2019, Mr. Lutsenko made a series of public allegations—many of which he later walked back—about the Biden family's activities in Ukraine, Ukrainian officials' purported involvement in the 2016 U.S. election, and the activities of the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv. See Part IV for additional context.) [My note:  The entities Trump praises are among the right wing corrupt and have since been voted out of office or removed. Zilenskyy a seemingly honest president, is supposed to clean things up. THERE WAS NO UKRAINIAN INVOLVEMENT IN THE US 2016 ELECTION.  THAT WAS RESERVED FOR RUSSIA PROVEN BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT]

They told me that there was already a "discussion ongoing" with White House lawyers about how to treat the call because of the likelihood, in the officials' retelling, that they had witnessed the President abuse his office for personal gain.

The Ukrainian side was the first to publicly acknowledge the phone call.

  "Donald Trump expressed his conviction that the new Ukrainian government will be able to quickly improve Ukraine's image [i.e. with Trump and Putin] and complete the investigation of corruption  cases that have held back cooperation between Ukraine and the United States." [lie with much needed by Ukraine to fight Russians 240 million dollars of US military equipment held back]

In addition to White House personnel, I was told that a State Department official, Mr. T. Ulrich Brechbuhl, also listened in on the call.

 Based on my understanding, multiple State Department and Intelligence Community officials were also briefed on the contents of the call as outlined above.

COVERUP:  In the days following the phone call, I learned from multiple U.S. officials that senior White House officials had intervened to "lock down" all records of the phone call, especially the official word-for-word transcript of the call that was produced—as is  customary—by the White House Situation Room. This set of actions underscored to me that White House officials understood the gravity of what had transpired in the call.
•    White House officials told me that they were "directed" by White-House lawyers to remove the electronic transcript from the computer system in which such transcripts are typically stored for coordination, finalization, and distribution to Cabinet-level officials.

Thursday, September 26, 2019



Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Nancy Pelosi Announces Formal Impeachment Inquiry of Trump



Monday, September 23, 2019


If you haven't seen Rachel Maddow tonight watch at a later time or go to MSNBC and try to get her show tonight 9/23. She has many revelations that will leave you aghast especially an interview she conducted with Rep. Elaine Luria from Virginia an eloquent soft spoken woman, a physicist and a Navy veteran working in many countries including war zones with nuclear weaponized ships. She is BRILLIANT and it was a brilliant interview testament to the seriousness of Trump's actions which rise to a new level of the necessity of impeachment.

She has an op ed in the Washington Post along with other members of Congress supporting impeachment. Trump has violated his oath of office numerous times swearing an oath to support the Constitution protecting the country from all threats both foreign and domestic.  We are in a new era where the survival and security of the nation and all of us are at risk. It is serious!

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Senator Dianne Feinstein laying the groundwork to sue DOJ for release of the whistleblower report

Impeaching Donald Trump cannot be done fast enough for me. At the risk of labeling Democrats feckless and weak it is a MUST to salvage any remaining respect Democrats have lost by their failure to act fast, vociferously and certain on this issue.

If there has ever been a time to impeach -- and I might add convict -- a president for the flagrant abuse of power and obstruction of justice the time is now lest our three branches of government the Founders, in their wisdom, created each a check on the other disintegrate into thin air.  I always knew that this republic stands precariously solely through the consent of the governed.  My fear is the proof of Trump's guilt is so voluminous, so vast and so complex that the electorate tunes out to the very important foundational principles it should uphold. 

How many more illegalities must Trump commit for Congress to do what needs to be done.  Impeachment is the only constitutional remedy short of an election loss to exact this sickening pound of flesh? Trump says he can shoot a person on Fifth Avenue and get away with it. Let us see that he does not!

Friday, September 20, 2019

Whistle Blower Call and email to Speaker Nancy Pelosi

I called and emailed Speaker Nancy Pelosi and told her that the Democratic Party MUST in view of this whistle blower accusation, if true, begin impeachment proceedings IMMEDIATELY.  I was vociferous that Democrats cannot appear to be weak.

I said, Trump should not have the privilege of keeping this Whistle Blower complaint from the Congress receiving it as required by law.  It is an abuse of power against a co-equal branch of government to keep Congress from seeing the Complaint.  It is Congress's duty by law to see the Whistle Blower Complaint and it is also incumbent upon them to keep the name of the Whistle Blower confidential to ensure his/her safety. 

If this egregious even treasonous alleged extortion act by Trump delivered by phone to a  foreign power Ukraine trading $240 million dollars in military aid for dirt on Joe Biden's son to help Trump's campaign, if true, is not grounds for impeachment and even conviction by the Senate then nothing is. 

The Whistle Blower Complaint should be given to Congress post haste.

Here are her contacts if you so choose to voice your opinion.  I suggest you do.  Nothing but the life of the Republic is at stake

Phone Number: (202) 225-4965

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

It's Warren

Just made my choice it's Warren for the brilliant person she is. My God let's not choose mediocrity which seems to the American way. Mediocre intellect Bush, and corrupt as all hell disgustingly moronic is Drumpf. Holy God we can surely in a nation of 350 million do better than that.

I like Biden and if he is the choice or anyone else with a "D" after their name they will get my vote. If, however, I could magically create the next president it would be Elizabeth Warren. There is NOTHING mediocre about her. Biden is, in my opinion, too old and not sharp on the come back. Sanders is too old and too gruff.   I want someone SMART and tough but gentle at the same time. Warren is it!! 

Emmett Till’s Memorial Sign Shot Up again 35 days after being replaced -- DESPICABLE

As long as he can get their vote Trump capitalizes on hate by welcoming the haters into his ranks, refusing to call the extremist right out for what it is and always has been a vessel for hate. Yes, it's always been there but it never has achieved the legitimacy that Trump has accorded it. As long as the haters support Trump, and they do, he will not speak out against it vociferously and condemn it with passion. No he will say there are good people on both sides of the political equation. No, a Klu Klux Klanner, an American Nazi and many in the Republican Party today through his acceptance are NOT good people! Hate courses through their veins and they will use it.

The one or the many who defaced the sign of Emmet Till, who did nothing to deserve his fate, are surely not good people. I cry and shake my head and simply hope even in Mississippi there are more like us than there are of them. If you are Christian follow Christ's words: Matthew 25 40 ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Rollback of clean water protections

If this does not make your mind explode than nothing will. See link above.  Are we creatures with a brain, do we not have children and grandchildren, do we have human beings that we love? What kind of nation is this that cowers to corporate interests while not giving a rat's petuti about the people who will sicken and die from the pollution effects of these roll back regulations.

One need only look at Flint, Michigan to see what polluted water will do and how torturous the deaths are including an abundance of Legionnaires' disease from tainted water. This is utterly horrible beyond comprehension and hazardous to all of our health!

Call your congress persons and scream bloody murder because this is in fact murder! Send this to anyone you choose.  Vote blue up and down the ticket to save your life and the life of the democratic republic that is at least for now our nation!

See Frontiline's "Flint's Deadly Water."

My letter to Nancy Pelosi

Speaker Pelosi.  The amount of egregiously flouting law and undermining our Constitution by this president knows no end.  The sheer volume of law breaking criminality of Trump is jaw dropping.  Please do not do what Democrats seem destined to do and that is snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

The overabundant rationales for the impeachment of this presidential menace are staggering.  I implore you to get behind those legislators in the Democratic party who are for impeachment and with precision and haste steer them to the road of drafting Articles of Impeachment.  To do anything less would be to turn one's back on the Founders who gave us a roadmap to prevent an authoritarian mad man like Trump from using the powerful office of the presidency to attain unlimited power and wealth at taxpayer's expense subverting from within the Republic they created. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

"Trump Claims Those Fleeing Bahamas Could Be 'Very Bad People'"

Each day is a new outrage or new outrages.  All those human beings left with nothing from Hurricane Dorian and he wants to keep them from coming here without scrupulous checks on their so called "criminal" status because some fleeing he says "could be very bad people."  What about Trump's criminal status?  Should we not check on that?  He says he does not want to keep them out because they are from the Bahamas and might be "criminals" our supremely racist squatter in the White House meant to say he wants to keep them out because they are black.

Trump who is so corrupt the CIA does not even trust a Moscow asset living here who could be compromised by Trump, the Putin lover, himself.  The CIA fears for our spy's life.  See "The Case of the Moscow Asset."

Chilling.  If this does not confirm alleged treason or CIA fears of it for good reason committed by Trump then I do not know what does.  He must be thrown out of the White House either through impeachment or electorally because he is a very bad person!



Saturday, September 07, 2019

Prince Joseph Kennedy wants what’s properly his--by the Globe's Scot Lehigh

It's not that I have anything against Joseph P. Kennedy III who is now holding 9 point lead over Markey but when I put the two of them side by side Markey, I believe, has been wonderful on all the issues and has the greater seniority than Kennedy.

I reserve my right to change my opinion but I have never thought as highly about Joe Kennedy III as I have about other Kennedys. I believe he has yet to show the intellectual heft that Markey possesses. After so sterling a record as Ed Markey has had after Markey's 43 year stint in Congress a head to head match shows Joe Kennedy leading Markey by an even larger 14 point margin. I am surprised. Of course, I would support Joe if he is the Democratic primary choice but is there nothing to be said for experience? I guess it is out with the old and in with the new in Democratic politics these days. There is something to be said for that but in this case at this time Markey gets my vote!

Thursday, September 05, 2019

"Trump poses with fake map to make it seem like he didn't lie about Hurricane Dorian"

"The National Weather Service corrected Trump to say there would be no hurricane effects in Alabama. So Trump presented a Sharpie-altered map falsely showing Alabama getting hit."   When asked who drew a circle around Alabama with the Sharpie he said as he said about authorizing the sex silencing payments to Stormy Daniels and Susan McDougal.  He meekly said "I don't know."  He does not know?  How about if one takes a wild guess and say it was Drumpf who authorized the payments and it was Drumpf who drew a fake hurricane circle to include erroneously Alabama.

This may seem like a minor lie but it is not minor. It would be if this were the only thing about which he lied but he has lied over 12,000 during his presidency. It would be minor if people's lives did not depend on accurate hurricane reporting.  It would be minor if this were not the essence of this man. He is a pathological liar and a pathological narcissist which makes him extraordinarily dangerous.  His small hands are within reach of the nuclear football. That is what makes all of this a frightening nightmare.

His state department offers cash to Iranian ship captains. It was authorized by Brian Hook of the State Department. When Drumpf was told this his question was "Who is Brian Hook?" He has no idea who is even in his State Department. This is NO joke. The joke is on those of us who had the stupidity to be conned by this supremely immoral man!


Wednesday, September 04, 2019

General Maddis on Morning Joe

The discussion with General Maddis and the co-author of his book on Morning Joe was riveting. The military competency of General Maddis cannot be denied. I understand what he was saying vis a vie remaining silent on the critique of Donald Trump under whom he served. He did not want to undermine, by getting involved in things political, the strength and success of its leader. He does not stray publicly from the main goal of a military leader and that is to carry out what his commander-in-chief, the president, dictates. It seems when he felt he could no longer do this he left the administration.
I disagree with his adherence to his aforementioned tactic and belief. If General Maddis loves this country so much, was willing in so many cases to lay down his life for it and, it seems, believes firmly in the Founders' separation of powers and democracy they created then I believe it is incumbent upon him to reveal to the American public the criticism of Donald Trump that I know he has. 

This president is a grave threat to this republic as if an enemy were at our gate supporting dictators but critical of democracies and as if he took up the weapons of war in allegiance to tyranny. It is, therefore, I think, mandatory that someone of General Maddis's stature to save our nation from the edge of the abyss, should tell it like it was and what prompted his exit. The very success of this experiment we call democracy depends on it and someone like General Maddis not only could but should critique this president publicly as if he were taking up arms to defend the nation!

Recession Part II

Austan Goolsbee was on Larry O'Donnell. He is an economist who is currently the Robert P. Gwinn Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business. Goolsbee formerly served as the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers and was a member of the cabinet of President Barack Obama. He says Trump's tariffs are INSANE and leading us into another recession. Tariff wars according to him are NOT easy as the Beast lies when he says they are. China will not give in and is in fact selling its wares to other nations. Things American manufactures rely on to create their products are soaring in price. Goolsbee thinks because of Trump's idiocy tariffs what will happen is the opposite of what Trump says.

Trump is cratering the economy that already is a hardship to those Trump thinks are his base -- farmers. Unless he changes his ways, watch, wait and see as we retreat to yet another recession affecting our 401K's, other investments and earnings his base relies on to survive. The suicide rate among farmers is the highest it has been as they lose their family farms!! VOTE BLUE UP AND DOWN THE 2020 TICKET AND SAVE LIVES!!

Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

  I watched the Democratic convention last evening until my body's demand for sleep overtook me around midnight.  Having followed thin...